Southern Dakota Insurance
About : As a Independent Insurance Agent we specialize in evaluating your insurance needs. We will work with you to create an insurance portfolio specifically designed to protect all aspects of you and your families lifestyle.
809 Main Street, Burke, SD 57523
Distance: 31.6 Miles
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Funny Quote of the Day:
When God sneezed, I didnt know what to say.....
Henny Youngman.
I watched Charlie Browns Halloween Special last night with my daughter Teresa....what a Classic! My favorite line of the whole movie is:
Linus: "Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere.
Congratulations to The Gregory Gorillas on an outstanding year and the State 9AA Football title. Also, congratulations to Robert Vomacka for being chosen the Mitchell Daily Republic Player of the Week.